Promising debut for this yard and more to come.
Got act together when winning here last time out.
Has improved for James Owen and went close last time.
Solid second on last outing over this course and distance.
Keeps going close and this looks a good winning chance.
Two good runs in stronger races than this.
Saves his best for this track and will be there again.
Much improved when winning over C&D latest.
Won last time and longer trip should be ideal.
Much improved when scoring at Huntingdon last time.
Bit in hand when winning at Warwick on latest outing.
Overdue a win but has been knocking on the door.
Two good seconds and this looks an excellent chance.
Has shown best recent form over this course and distance.
Good run at Kempton last time and this looks easier.
Nicely bred and can make his mark on debut.
Has won a couple of times over C&D this season.
Likes it here and decent effort on latest visit.
Improved when staying on into fourth at Kempton latest.
Goes well here and solid run last time out.
Can land an eighth win over this course and distance.