Two decent podium finishes so far and right in the hunt again.
Bit in hand when scoring at Plumpton last time.
Looks the type to do better for this step up in distance.
Good third at Exeter and a repeat would take him close.
Has shown best form over this course and distance.
Just won a point-to-point and should be right there again.
Didn’t stay last time and will be happy back at 2m.
Went close again at Hereford last time out.
Won past two nicely and still looks on a fair handicap mark.
Solid form in this grade and should be on the premises again.
Keeps hitting the frame and this looks an excellent chance.
Well bred and yard can get them ready for a good debut.
Went well in the Kingwell and this test should be ideal.
Consistent and has held her own in this company before.
Champion Bumper should be right there in open race.
One of the greats can make it three in a row.
Consistent and has done well since joining this yard.
Going like the winner before falling at Haydock last time.
Bred to be classy and can make a winning start.
Two good seconds and doesn’t need a lot more.
Good second at Kempton last time and right there again.
Bit in hand when winning over course and distance latest.
Can land a fifth win over this course and distance.
Likes it here and takes a drop in grade here.
Likes it here and went close at Newcastle last time out.
Has won past three nicely and every chance of a four-timer.
Good fourth over course and distance last time out.
Good second on debut and doesn’t need a lot more.
Bred to be classy and can make a winning start.
Likes it here and will be happy over this distance.
Overdue a win but this looks a good opportunity.
Can land a sixth win here after a good run last time.
Likes it here and wasn’t beaten far on latest outing.
Had plenty in hand when winning at Kempton last time.