Impressive last time and comes here nice and fresh.
Looks on a different level to these with no Sir Gino here.
Loves Cheltenham and will be right up there.
High-class mare who is best over this distance.
The champion can regain his crown for Hendo.
Ran a cracker in Graded company last time with more to come.
Can give Patrick Mullins a fifth win in this contest.
Best over this C&D and can land the four-timer.
Consistent and another good effort at Doncaster last time.
Has shown good form over this course and distance.
Can show more upped in distance on this handicap debut.
Won here in December before a good effort at Catterick.
Showed lots of promise when second on Newcastle debut.
Has won here four times and was unlucky here last time out.
Has been in good form over this course and distance.
Finished strongly when second here last time out.
Can land a fourth victory over this course and distance.
Good form here and won despite missing the kick at Newcastle.
Knocking on the door and will be right there again.
Went close here last time and Loughnane on board.
Bit in hand when scoring over course and distance latest.
Just nabbed near the line here last time out.
Can land a fourth win over this course and distance.
Went close at Newcastle and a repeat would do.
Showed promise when fifth here last time out.
Went close over course and distance 18 days ago.
Goes well here and solid run at Newcastle latest.
In solid form and has gone well over course and distance.