Keeps hitting the frame and will be right there again.
Made a promising start when second on debut latest.
Finished strongly when third here last time out.
Got a bad draw last time and in ideal stall this time.
Impressive effort in Qatar last time and can run well again.
Has won two of past three and winning streak not over.
Made it a fifth win here last time and can strike again.
Has shown best form over this course and distance.
Will be much happier back over the smaller obstacles here.
Won well at Wetherby last time and can take a step forward.
Has shown his best form over this course and distance.
Lots left in the tank when winning at Southwell last time out.
Two good seconds at Southwell and be right there again.
Battled strongly when winning at Bangor last time out.
Proving consistent and this is a good chance to get off mark.
Scored last time and can follow up on this handicap debut.
Keeps running well and should be on the premises again.
Improved effort when second at Wolverhampton last time.
Has shown best form over this course and distance.
Has won here before and good effort at Chelmsford latest.
Won last time at Southwell but goes just as well around here.
Has won four of his seven runs including over C&D last time out.
Won on debut and went close again here 44 days ago.